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How to Increase Mileage Safely While Running

Every runner wants to increase their overall mileage. Unfortunately, many beginner runners let their enthusiasm override their body’s needs. As a result, they may develop running injuries that cut their miles per week down to zero. Building mileage takes time, consistency, and workouts to improve your stamina. You don’t have to wait months to see

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Are You Being Heard, or Are You Just Part of the Herd? Big Box vs. Personalized Care and Its Value

If you’re seeking physical therapy, you’re usually motivated by a desire to get rid of aches, pains or getting back to living your life and doing the things you love. . Maybe you’re even looking for an alternate route than surgery. Your problem could be due to an accident, illness, injury, or recovery from surgery.

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Physical Therapy (PT) for Migraines and Headaches

A migraine headache is a common condition that can be incredibly draining. Conventional treatments, including medications, are often ineffective in alleviating headache pain. Physical therapy can be vital to migraine headache management, depending on the cause and physical symptoms of the condition in migraine patients. If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, physical therapists

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