The Wildhawk Difference - WildHawk Physical Therapy
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The WildHawk Difference

The path back to our healthiest self is not through canned approaches and outdated methods, such as ice packs, therabands, and stationary bikes. This one-dimensional strategy is rampant in traditional, third-party-pay physical therapy practices – you’ll soon see our tactics are delightfully different! WildHawk is a private-pay physical therapy & performance center. Before your heart seizes from sticker shock, let’s shed some light on what private-pay physical therapy is and how this method will likely save you time, money and resources, while also helping you achieve your desired results. True story.

Wild Hawk difference updated

1-On-1 Care

When being treated simultaneously along with 2-3 patients has become the norm for the majority of other clinics, we have refused to conform to this new norm. You will have 100% undivided attention of your physical therapist for your entire, 1 hour long appointment

Time Spent With A Physical Therapist
Per Session

Due to the trend of insurance companies decreasing the amount they reimburse for physical therapy services, physical therapy clinics that do accept insurance have to see a high volume of patients to make ends meet. This leads to your physical therapist only being able to spend 15-20 minutes with each patient since they are required to see 2-3 sometimes even 4 patients in an hour. With WildHawk, your entire hour long session will be spent with your physical therapist.

Same Physical Therapist Every Session

You will never be passed from PT to PT. You will be with the same Doctor of Physical Therapy each session!

Number of Times Patients Have to Come Into the Clinic Per Week

Our goal for all of our patients is independence. Because you're with a Doctor of Physical Therapy the entire session, we're able to provide you with all the education and exercises you need to take control of your progress and your recovery without needing to be reliant on us, another physical therapist, chiropractor, etc...!

100% of Your Care Carried Out By Doctors of Physical Therapy

Our team consists of ONLY Doctors of Physical Therapy. We do not use aids or assistants.

Physical Therapist With Orthopedic Specializations

Did you know that not all physical therapists have orthopedic or pelvic health backgrounds? Our physical therapists have pelvic health or orthopedic specializations and hold some of the highest level certifications in the industry.

Full Access to Your PT with Same Day Response

Have questions or updates between visits and want to run something by your physical therapist? No problem! You enjoy full access to your PT team with email, messaging, phone calls, and next or same day appointments. We will always return your call that day or next day. ALWAYS!

Physical Therapist That "Walks the Talk"

Ever been to a practitioner who didn't understand your drive to get back to the activity that you love and told you to rest or to simply just stop that activity? You won't experience that here. All of our physical therapists walk the talk and understand your drive and the demands of your activities or sports. Because they do, they know EXACTLY what needs to happen to get you back to the things you love!

Care Carried Out By Energetic, Passionate Physical Therapists

What is not commonly known, is that the physical therapy profession has a high burnout rate. Why? It's not uncommon for a physical therapist to see between 14-20 patients a day in a traditional physical therapy clinic. This equates to almost 100 patients a week! At WildHawk, our physical therapists are able to arrive and leave work energetic and passionate due to only seeing 7-8 patients per day i.e., almost 65 patients LESS per week comparatively. This means more attention to detail and ultimately improved outcomes for you!

Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

From our knowledge, we are the only practice in the area that offers a money back satisfaction guarantee. We do this because in a broken medical system, we hear time after time from our patients how they wasted so much time, energy, and money on other practitioners without results. We refuse to be a part of this problem. If you're unsatisfied with any of your appointments, you can get 100% of your money back. No questions asked!

Cost Efficiency

Many patients are hesitant to go out of-network because they perceive that to be a more expensive route. However, in many cases, it may actually be the more cost effective route depending on your insurance plan. Why? Because many people have high deductibles and end up paying out of pocket no matter whether they go to a clinic that accepts their insurance or not. As you can imagine, it doesn't take long to hit your deductible with in-network clinics who require 2-3 sessions per week. Our goal, because you only need to come in 1x per week for a total of 6-10 sessions, is that you never hit your deductible! If you have met your deductible, you will still have a copay with clinics that do take your insurance. The national copay average is ~$50. If you are having to go in to the clinic 3x a week that ads up to $150 anyway!

Lastly, just because we're out-of-network, does not mean you will not receive coverage from your insurance. In fact, most of our patients receive 50-80% coverage. How? We provide you with the documentation that you need as well as an app Reimbursify that will take care of receiving that reimbursement from your insurance company for you so you don't have to

Cost Transparency

You will never get a bill for us months later. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for patients to get hit with a large bill months later by clinics that do accept insurance. Why is this? Because insurance is so complicated, it's nearly impossible for in-network physical therapy practices to accurately predict the amount of what will be covered until they submit the bill to insurance. If insurance does not reimburse them the full amount, you the patient, are responsible for the remaining balance.

Full Body & Wholistic Approach

Insurance companies restrict the physical therapist from treating any body part not listed on the referral from the physician. This leads to cookie cutter approaches and severely limits the PT's capabilities of taking a full body approach, providing holistic care, and truly getting to the root cause of your injury.

Unlimited Number of Sessions

Many times, insurance companies will cut off reimbursement once you, as the patient, are out of pain with everyday activities and will not reimburse in-network clinics for building your strength even when the pain is gone. This ultimately leads to the patient being discharged prematurely and never progress back to 100%.

Full Access to a Strength & Conditioning Gym (i.e. Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, etc...)

WildHawk introduces cutting edge rehab techniques. Hope you're ready to move because your PT has the hands on skills and exercise to get you moving well and plans to use them! On the other hand, there's traditional PT, which focuses on passive modalities (ice, heat, ultrasound, TENS), and weak exercise progression (therabands, bike, no gym equipment). Hoping for innovation? Nope. Because insurance companies do not reimburse for many therapy techniques and it takes 10+ years for a new medical procedure to be reimbursable by insurance, your PT's hands are tied. Essentially, your care is decided by the insurance company - not your physical therapist.

Why Private-Pay? Benefits By The Numbers

We are not big on limitations – neither are you, which is why you’re here. Third-party payers pressuring for immediate diagnoses, insisting on confining treatments, and interfering with the therapy we want to provide often hurts the patient’s progress and hinders our ability to reach his or her goals.

Furthermore, (…can we get a drum roll, please?), out-of-pocket expenses over the course of physical therapy will often be less expensive for patients like you with a cash-based model than through traditional physical therapy practice.


Let’s compare the same path to recovery for two 35-year-old men recovering from a torn rotator cuff. Mike chooses to go the private-pay route with WildHawk, while Tim sticks with the traditional third-party reimbursement track.

Before we dive into the breakdown, we will assume one crucial thing: both Iron Mike and Tiny Tim have the national average deductible of $1,665 and have chosen conservative care over surgery (which has better long-term outcomes according to the latest medical research). What this means is that until they meet their deductible (whether they’re receiving in-network OR private-pay care) they will be required to pay out of pocket until that deductible has been met.

If we take the “standard” protocol in a insurance-based model for a torn rotator cuff in a healthy individual (25-35), the patient will typically need 4-6 months of rehab requiring passive and active PT (~2x per week) according to the US National Library of Medicine. In our model we typically see the patient 1x a week and give them a extensive home program so he or she can begin working on this stuff at home. We also see our patient on average 6-10x during a plan of care and quickly go from rehabilitation to working on performance and prevention.

Wild Hawk 2 first appointment updated
WILDHAWK first 30 days updated
WILDHAWK first 6 months

At the end of 6-months, Mike has spent $465 less than his buddy Tim. Although both men were recovering from similar injuries, Mike invests less than a third of the time (10.6 vs. 32 hours) for a fuller recovery that got him back to the lifestyle he loved sooner. This outcome also doesn’t account for the intangibles around enjoying a dynamic, individualized care plan and relationship built with his WildHawk PT.

Which path will you choose to get back to your peak performance?

pk paths updated


WildHawk PT

8 Visits 10 minutes each way = 160 minutes in the car (2.6 Hours)

Traditional PT

30 Visits 10 minutes each way = 600 minutes in the car (10 Hours)


WildHawk PT

100% of the time 1 hour 1 on 1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy

Traditional PT

15-20 minutes or ~25% of your appointment time



WildHawk PT introduces cutting edge rehab techniques. Hope you're ready to move because your PT has access to a full strength & conditioning gym and plans to use it. Your session focus on overall health, fitness, and performance - 100% of you as the patient with a care plan decided by the physical therapist/patient team.

Rehab doesn't stop and is a continuous process to improve your performance and quality of life. Beyond recovery, you have a 1:1 performance PT that will help you avoid unnecessary surgeries, pharmaceuticals, & medical costs.

Traditional PT

Patient spends most of the time on passive modalities (ice, heat, ultrasound, TENS), and weak exercise progression (therabands, bike, no gym equipment). Hoping for innovation? Nope.

Because insurance companies do not reimburse for many therapy techniques and it takes 10+ years for a new medical procedure to be reimbursable by insurance, your PT's hands are tied. Essentially, your care is decided by the insurance company - not your physical therapist



You pay upfront or at the end of each session. You know exactly what you are paying for and what that payment includes

Traditional PT

You may pay a copay or you have to meet your deductible. You may pay your copay but still get a big bill 3 months later. Surprise, surprise?



Our private-pay model is often cheaper with higher deductible plans; especially when you factor in what insurance may or may not reimburse and when you look at the overall cost from longer plans of care. This doesn't even begin to account for the value of preventative care - how much would you pay to avoid surgery, unnecessary MRIs, shots or pills?

Traditional PT

Have you met your deductible? If so, you could be all right with $30 copays at each visit...depending on your insurance plan. But at the end of the day, which route is going to get you the results you're looking for?



Let's get to know each other. You enjoy full access to your PT team with email, messaging, phone calls, and next or same day appointments. We will always return your call that day or next day. ALWAYS!

Traditional PT

Questions or concerns? You may not get a call back for days and when you do, it's from an admin or answering service - not your PT. Forget about messaging or email access. Want to go straight to the source with an appointment? Fine, but you may have to get on the three-week waiting list.


You’re ready to schedule an appointment with us. Wonderful! We already cannot wait to see you and help you get back to moving at your best. Here at WildHawk PT, we are not fans of surprises (unless there’s cake…), so here is what you can expect from your first consultation with us.

We recommend coming in activewear or something you are comfortable stretching and moving around in because, well, you will be moving. Close-toed shoes are ideal.

Upon arrival, you will be greeted by your WildHawk Physical Therapist who will be with you, one on one, for the entire duration of your appointment. Don’t stress, you will not be abandoned on a stationary bike or left to your own devices with stretchy bands at any point.

We like to start these consultations with some good, old fashioned conversation – we will cover your injury or limitation, performance/medical history, any of your questions or concerns, and, most importantly, your goals.

WildHawk Main Logo
WildHawk Main Logo

From there, we will segue into your evaluation in which your WildHawk Physical Therapist will gently move through diagnostics – keeping open dialogue the entire time so you understand what’s happening and why.

If there are any services we can perform the day of to relieve your pain and discomfort, such as dry needling or soft tissue mobilization, rest assured we will do so during your appointment.

Remember, the focus of this evaluation is not to jump to a conclusion or a diagnosis – we are getting to know each other. We do promise, however, that your appointment will end with a unique care plan for getting you back to peak performance. If you decide to continue working with WildHawk PT, you will understand exactly what that will entail regarding timeline and cost.

Again, we don’t like surprises. Especially when it comes to your care. If you have any questions before your appointment, please don’t hesitate to reach out.